Free Books & Resources

At Tanglewood, we believe unconditionally in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and Savior of the world, and in the Bible as God’s revealed will for all mankind. Therefore, we believe that we should always being growing in our knowledge and understanding of both Jesus and the Bible. We are making the following resources available free of charge to anyone in our community who also wants to learn and grow. To receive a copy of any materials, or to sign up for a free Bible correspondence course, please call us at 432.366.3619 or visit our church office at 3619 Tanglewood Lane in Odessa.

SearcingforTruth.jpgWe have obtained a great series of lessons on DVD entitled Searching for Truth. Produced by the World Video Bible School in Maxwell, Texas, the six video lessons focus on our desire to know the truth about God, His Word, the Church, and salvation.
We are making copies of this DVD available free to our friends and listeners who request it. If you would like a free copy, please fill out the e-mail form at the bottom of this page, or write or call us. Be sure to include your shipping address!

Life-of-Jesus.jpg THE LIFE OF JESUS is a careful weaving of the four Gospels into one seamless telling of the life of Jesus. From the New Living Translation, it reads like a modern novel, but is – word for word – entirely from the Bible. This is an excellent book for anyone to read who wants to know for themselves exactly what the Bible says about Jesus before reading the four separate accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This handy 230 page paperback is published by Tyndale House Publishers and is available free of charge on request. Quantity is limited.

Knowing-Jesus.jpgKNOWING JESUS – A USER FRIENDLY APPROACH is a best selling, sometimes humorous introduction to what the Bible says about Jesus. . . and why we should care! The authors, Bruce Bickel (a lawyer) and Stan Jantz (a marketing consultant), are known for their ability to present serious and sometimes confusing ideas in simple, easily understood ways. This 122 page book has just four chapters covering the person, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Published by Harvest House Publishers, we are offering it free of charge while our supply lasts.

Studying-Your-Bible.jpg STUDYING YOUR BIBLE – A USER FRIENDLY APPROACH by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz helps introduce new Bible readers to the Bible. Reading a book of over 1,000 pages written almost 2,000 years ago can be a challenge, so they provide the background and guidance to make Bible reading enjoyable and useful. The four chapters cover (1) “Why Read the Bible,” (2) “Why Different Bible Translations,” (3) “How to Choose Where to Begin Reading,” and (4) “How to Make Sense of What You Read.” This 112 page book is from Harvest House Publishers and is free of charge while our supply lasts.